In the first book of Genesis, God creates the sky, the Earth, the stars, the Moon, the Sun, as well as all the other elements of creation. Whenever He creates something, He immediately indicates his role. Life on Earth is possible, because every element that makes up the Creation executes perfectly the mission that is its own. Yet imagine for a moment that one of them refuses to submit? The life cycle would then be totally disordered, disrupting the lives of millions, even billions of individuals.


When we think about this principle, we better understand the dysfunctions that affect the whole society. If the modern world goes so bad, it is because of the number of men and women who do not know the role which is theirs and which was fixed to them by God. Moreover, does not “sin” mean “to miss the target”? The day that each individual discovers his true identity, and understands the role attached to him, not only does his life change, but also the way he contributes to the functioning of humanity. But for this to be possible, he must first approach the Creator…